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We need a stretched UMPH sound like this one! Please add one additional sfx for perfect fun!


Gin when?

(I really thought this was a mod, not a standalone parody. Amazing work!)

(1 edit) (+5)

I really liked this little goofy art experience, well done! I noticed a tiny little bug, if the page zoom is not 100% in Firefox, Doomguy turns at a constant speed very slowly to the right (I tend to have pages zoomed in a bit bc my vision isn't perfect)


I've gotten dozens of reports about this and all I can say is that it's most definitely on Firefox's side. I had a user send in a bug report and the best we can hope for is for them to fix it on their end. Standalone or Chrome should work fine.


Guess I didn't want that standalone for nothing. Firefox is my main.


It's strange, because I only use Firefox and have never been able to reproduce this bug, and meanwhile, I've had other people stream the game to me and have a 100% reproduction rate. It consistently doesn't happen on Chrome, either.


Genius! Only thing missing was one of the secrets, there's no run button so it would probably be unattainable anyway, but there's a secret on e1m1 ... spoiler...

You go to the exit, which lowers the balcony (where you can get the beer, and there's an image of someone I don't recognise), but if you then go back over the water to that room, wait 10 seconds or so, then sprint back to the beer room, an elevator appears briefly. Perhaps you could put the mysterious gin in it?


Leaving this secret out was a conscious decision–this was a student project made from scratch in two weeks, and I didn't have the time to figure out elevator physics. There's a different secret elsewhere on the map.


Just as a heads up, Google Chrome seems to be blocking this download due to a virus detection! Not sure why it's doing that


There is very little I can do in the way of any virus protection measures going off. It's only because it's new/unsigned. What you're downloading is exactly what you see in the web version.


Apologies! I wasn't trying to flag it as being a virus, more so just raising awareness in case you/others weren't aware so they'd know when attempting to download


Oh, sorry if I came off as blunt. I was aware of it, and I tried to combat it with this latest patch but it seems that hasn't worked. It's very annoying to circumvent this for new applications.

(5 edits) (+1)(-1)

i'm getting detections from both windows defender and malwarebytes as well. Looks like the Malwarebytes detection is only from their AI though, which in my experience is rather prone to false positives (even had it flag a "hello world" c++ program that i wrote and compiled myself lol). Here are the virustotal results for the .zip file. 7/66 detections is a little higher than most of the false positives that I've personally seen, but is still pretty low. Behavior tab doesn't show anything especially suspicious though. Make of this information what you will.

Looks like it doesn't enjoy there being a new and unsigned Windows executable in there. Checks out.


when the art ur ur ur


This is so cool! I showed the game to some friends, and they all played it. It seems they like it too. In case you're open to more fun ideas, here's one: when the player drinks all the wine on the map, spawn a Jackson Pollock piece on the ground :-)


 The lone painting “ME” is by far the most visually articulate piece in the whole collection. *Sip*. Wile called “me” as if to stipulate a state of self absorption, in fact mocks this notion by portraying the individual as small and vulnerable, almost hiding in the corner of the painting. *Sip*. The vast body of water clearly shallow to suggest the lack of depth of the modern world, wile the water its self, the mass of the human experience, is clear, pure incapable of false hood. *Sip*. The individual is shown in a state of ambiguity, are they being born from this contradiction or are they submitting to death, returning to the watery womb of the human condition. *Sip*. The question the piece ask is… is there truly a difference….. **SIP**.


Man of culture

(1 edit) (+8)(-1)

*sips wine* Great game, very remniscient of ArsDoom, though it approaches the pastiche from the opposite angle. I find it simple, yet, *swishes glass in hand* it identifies how to hit its intent perfectly. *sips wine* In that sense one might say it is very elegant within its design aims. Excellent! *sips wine but swallows it wrong and starts coughing violently*


I concur, this game really evokes the duality of man!

(1 edit) (+7)

sip and stare

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

The most exquisite wad I've ever download!

EDIT: Its a standalone fan game that made me think it was wad O_o!?

EDIT2: Ok I'm kind of impressed that this is Construct engine Doom parody game made me think it was a real Doom wad.


Truly a place of culture and elegance.




it said virus detected should i be worried


No. Windows just shows a warning because it's an unsigned application. You can ignore it, or just play the web browser version (they're identical).


I got the "Virus Found" message as well, that doesn't in the slightest sound like "unsigned / potentially unsafe app". I'm not starting it.. 


Most antiviruses will flag new/unsigned applications, of which this is both. You're free to not use the standalone version–the web version is identical.


Very genuinely, I really love the concept of this short game, as someone who had to go to gallery openings/museums for my art major. It would be even more accurate if there was La Croix around haha!

Thank you for having the option to download it! And excellent work!


fantastic work!!


Culturally Enriched


No WAD file?


Of course not. This isn't even running in the Doom engine.

(3 edits) (+1)(-12)

Based on a 1993 game and there's no downloadable exe? Come on...

I know you have a GitHub for this thing, but, I suppose, it was made in Construct 3, and that soft doesn't allow you to export the project in a free version. Otherwise I'd done it myself. Either way, I've been quite hoping for something like a Node.js version...

(1 edit) (+11)

This is primarily meant to be experienced on web as it was a student project, but I can sure offer a standalone .EXE

EDIT: Should be ready to go


yes pls


can you please remove the standalone version


Oh, thank you so very much. I am truly grateful. I'd threw in a dollar or two as well, but, unfortunately, cannot really do it right now because I'm from Russia and all russian credit cars are banned worldwide.

I'll try to remember that when and if the situation will change.

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